Staten Island Thrift Shops, Flea Markets & Vintage Clothing
- The Benefit Shop, 145 Beach
St., NYC, 10304
- Staten Island
Mental Health Services Thrift Shop
443 Castleton Ave., NYC, 10301, (718) 447-2174
- Salvation
Army Thrift Store, 1442 Castleton Ave.
NYC, 10302, (718) 273-6043 - Salvation Army
Thrift Store, 2053 Clove Rd., NYC, 10304
(718) 442-3080
- Great Kills
Thrift Shop, 10 Brown Ave., NYC, 10305
(718) 356-7448
- Tottenville
Thrift Shop, 233 Main St., NYC, 10307
(718) 984-7439
- Everything Goes, 208 Bay
St., NYC, 10301
(718) 447-8256
- Everything
Goes Clothing, 140 Bay St., NYC, 10301
(718) 273-7139 - John's Jems & Junque,
595 Bay St., NYC, 10304
(718) 979-7067
- Repeat Performance,
807 Castleton Ave., NYC, 10310
(718) 442-1743
- Everything
Goes Furniture,
17 Brook St., NYC, 10301
(718) 273-0568
- Time
After Time,
59 New Drop Plaza., NYC, 10306
(718) 987-0853 - The
Resale Shop,
2381 Hylan Blvd., NYC, 10306
(718) 351-6968
- Saint Maurice Gallery,
848 Castleton Ave., NYC, 10310
(718) 448-3217 - Hey Viv
Vintage Clothing, 125 Port Richmond Ave.
NYC, 10302, (718) 981-3575
- Mid-Island Kiwanis Club Flea
Bay St. & St. John's Ave., NYC, 10305, (718) 273-3509 - Historic
Richmond Town Antiques & Crafts Market
411 Clarke Ave., NYC, 10306, (718) 351-1611