New York City Bars and Clubs Listings
- 11th St. Bar 510 E 11 St., NY, NY (212) 982-3929
- 190 190 3rd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 979-7268
- 101 Bar 101 7th Ave Sth (W4th) No Phone
- 119 Bar 119E. 15th St. (Irving/Union Sq.) 777 6158
- 141 Ridge St Art Space 141 Ridge St New York
- 147 Bar 147 W. 15th St (6/7th Ave) 929-5000
- 205 Club 205 Chrystie, NY, NY (212) 473-5816
- 289 289 Spring St., NY, NY (212) 929-6868
- 2A 25 Avenue A, New York (212) 505-2466
- 288 Bar 288 Eliz. St (Hstn./Bleeker) No Phone
- 2i's 248 W. 14th St.( 7th & 8th), (212) 807-1775
- 40 Flavor 40 W. 8th St NY (212) 995-5767
- 44 Restaurant 44 W. 44th St NY (212) 944-8844
- 420 Lounge 420 Amsterdam Ave (212) 579-8450
- 55 Bar 55 Christopher St, NY (212) 929-9883
- 5757 57 E. 57th St (Park/Mad.) 758-5757
- 7A Café 109 Ave A (Ave A/7th St) (212) 673-6583
- 7B (Vazac's) 108 Ave B (7th Ave St) 473-8840
- 8 8 Beach St btwn W Bdway and Varick St 219-9735
- 85 Down 85 Ave. A , NY, NY (212) 673-8073
- 9C 700 E. 9th Street, New York (212) 358-0048
- Abbey Pub 237 W 105th St 222-8713
- Abbey Tavern 354 3rd Ave 532-1978
- The Abbey 536 Driggs Ave Bklyn, (718) 599-4400
- Kush 183 Orchard Street, NY (212) 677-7328
- Koyote Kate's 307 W. 47th St. (212) 956-1091
- La Linea 15 1st Ave (1st/2nd Ave) 777-1571
- La Maison de Sade 206 W 23rd St (212) 727-8642
- La Nouvelle Justine 206 W. 23rd St (212) 727-8642
- La Nueva Esquelita 301 W. 39th St (8th Ave.) 631-0588
- Lafayette Grill and Bar 54 Franklin St., (212) 732-5600
- Lakeside Lounge 162 Ave. B., NY, NY (212) 529-8463
- Landmark Tavern 626 11th Ave. (212) 757-8595
- Lansky Lounge 138 Delancey St.
- Last Second Saloon 1840 2nd Ave. (95th), NY,
- Lava 28W. 20th St (5th Ave.) 627-7867
- Le Bilboquet 25 E. 63d St.(212) 751-3036
- Le Colonial 149 57th St (Lex.) 752-0808
- Le Select 507 Columbus Ave. , NY,
- Lemon 230 Park Ave Sth (18/19th St.) 614-1200
- The Library 7 Ave. A (1st St) 375-1352
- Lenox Lounge 288 Lenox Ave.(212) 722-9566
- Life 158 Bleecker St., NY, (212) 420-1999
- Life Cafe 343 E. 10th St (A/B) 477-8791
- Lily's Rest. & Bar 501 Lexington Ave.(212) 838-0844
- Lincoln Park Grill 867 Ninth Ave.(212) 974-2826
- Lion's Den 214 Sullivan St. W. Village (212) 477-2782
- Liquid 266 E. 10th Street, New York (212) 677-1717
- Ace Bar 531 E 5th St (Ave A/B) 979-8476
- Acme Underground 9 Jones St 420-1934
- Adlib 50 W 33rd St (212) 971-3891
- A.J. Gordon's Brewing Co 212 W. 79th St. 579-9777
- The Alamo 304 E. 48th St., NY, NY (212) 759-0590
- Alcatraz 132 St. Mrks Pl.(Ave. A), NY (212) 473-3370
- All state Cafe 250 W 72sn St., NY, NY 874-1883
- Alligator Alley 487 Amsterdam Ave. (212) 873-5810
- Alt.Coffee 139 Avenue A East Village (212) 529-2233
- Alva 36 E 22nd St 228-4399
- America 9 E 18th St ( B'way/5th Ave)(212) 505-2110
- American Trash 1471 1st Ave. (76th/77th), NY,
- American Spirit 1744 2nd (90th & 91st St.)
- Amnesia 32-03 Bway Astoria, NY (718) 204-7010
- Amsterdam Café 1207 Amsterdam Ave 662-6330
- Andrew Lunetta Bar & Grill 48 Spring St 226-9347
- Androgyny 35 Crosby St (212) 613-0977
- Andy's Colonial 2257 1st Ave (212) 410-9175
- Angels Share 8 Styversant St 777-5415
- Angelo and Maxie's 233 Park Ave S 220-9200
- Annie Moore's 50 E 43rd 986-7826
- Anseo 126 St Marks Pl., NY,(212) 475-4145
- Antarctica 287 Hudson St. TriBeCa/SoHo 352-1666
- Liquor Store Bar 235 W. Broadway (212) 226 7121
- Little Sadie's Amsterdam Ave. & 83rd St., NY, NY
- Live Bait 14E. 23rd St (Park/5th Ave) 353 2400
- Living Room 84 Stanton St (Allen) 533 7235
- L'Orange Bleue 430 Broome St. (212) 226-4999
- Local 138 138 Ludlow St (212) 477-0280
- Lot 61 550 W 21st St (10th/11th Aves) (212) 243-6555
- Lola 30 W. 22nd St (5th/6th Ave) 675-6700
- London Terrace Pub 219 Ninth Ave. Chelsea 727-2616
- Looking Glass 108 3rd Ave. (13th/14th) 777 3363
- Louisiana Community Bar & Grill 622 B'way, 460-9633
- Lounge 188 Ave. A., NY, NY (212) 777-6254
- Lot 61 550 W. 21st St 10th/11th Ave) 243 6555
- Luca Lounge 220 Ave B (13th/14th) 674 9400
- Lucian Blue 63 Lafayette Ave, Fort Greene, Bklyn (718-422-0093)
- Lucky Chengs 24 1st Ave. (1st/2nd St) 473 0516
- Lucky Strike 59 Grand St (212) 941-0479
- Ludlow Bar 165 Ludlow Street, NY (212) 353-0536
- L'udo 432 Lafayette St., NY, NY (212) 388-0978
- Luke's Bar & Grill 1394 3rd Ave (212) 249-7070
- Luna Lounge 171 Ludlow St (212) 260-2323
- Lure 409 W. 13th Street, New York (212) 741-3919
- Apple 17 Waverly Pl New York, NY (212) 473-8888
- Aquavit 13 W. 54th St. Midtown West (212) 307-7311
- Arthur's Tavern 57 Grove St., NY, (212) 675-6879
- Arlene's Grocery 95 Stanton St 473-9831
- Art Bar 52 8th Ave 727-0244
- Asia de Cuba 237 Madison Ave 726-7755
- Ashton's Bar & Resaurant 208 E. 50th St. 688-8625
- Astor Restaurant & Lounge 316 Bowery, 253-8644
- Astor's 428 Lafayette St., NY,
- Astray Cafe 59 Horatio St. West Village 741-7030
- AuBar 41E 58th St 308-9455
- Aubette 119E 27th St 686 5500
- Auction House 300E 89th (212)427 4458
- Augie's Pub 2751 Broadway (212) 864-9834
- Australia 1733 1st Ave. (89th/90th),(212) 876-0203
- Automatic Slims 733 Washington St 645 8660
- Avalon Bar 1647 2nd Ave. (212) 628-7400
- Avenue A Sushi 103 Ave. A (6th/7th), (212) 982-8190
- Avenue B Social Club 99 Ave B 674 7957
- Back Fence Bar 155 Bleecker St (212) 475-9221
- Lush 110 Duane St (212) 766 1295
- Macau W 14th St (Ninth Ave/Washington Sts)
- MaryLou's 21 W. 9th St., NY 10011 (212)533-0012
- M & R Bar 264 Elizabeth St (212) 226 0559
- Mad Hatter 1485 2nd Ave (77/78th St.) 628 4917
- Mad River Bar & Grill 1442 3rd Ave. (212) 988 1832
- Madame X 94 W. Houston St, 10012; (212) 539-0808
- Madisons 1584 York Ave. 83/84th St.) 570 5454
- Maggie's Place 21 E. 47th St. , NY (212) 753-5757
- Malachy's Donegal Inn 103 W 72nd St (212) 874-4268
- Manchester New York 920 2nd Ave. (212) 223-7484
- Manhattan Country Club 65 W. 55th St. (212) 581-5436
- Marco's Rest. & Bar 1162 First Ave. (212) 758-0880
- Marco Pierre 1394 York Ave (74th St)
- Mare Chiara 176 1/2 Mulberry St.(212) 226-9345
- Marie's Crisis 59 Grove Street, NY (212) 243-9323
- Marion's 354 Bowery (3rd /4th St) 475 7621
- The Mark Hotel, 25 E. 77th St. (212) 879-1864
- Mars Bar 25 E. 1st Street, New York No phone.
- Martini's 810 Seventh Ave. (212) 767-1717
- Baggot Inn 82 W. 3rd Street, NY (212) 477-0622
- B. Smith's 771 8th Ave 247-2222
- Baby Doll Lounge 34 White St (Church St) 226-4870
- Back Fence Bar 155 Bleecker St. (212) 475-9221
- Back Porch Rest. & Bar 488 3rd Ave (212) 685-3828
- Baggot Inn 82 W. 3rd Street, NY (212) 477-0622
- Bahi 284 3rd Ave (212) 254 5466
- Bailey's Corner 274 3rd Ave (212) 254 5466
- Bandito 153 Second Ave. (212) 777-4505
- Baktun 418 W 14th St 206 1590
- Balthazar 80 Spring St., NY, (212) 965-1414
- The Bank 80 Spring St 965 1414
- The Bank Cafe 431 3rd Ave 725 599
- Bantry Tavern 1672 3rd Ave (93rd &85th St.)
- Bar 54 1701 Broadway (btwn 53th & 54th St.)
- Bar 85 504 W 16th St (212) 645 2207
- Bar 89 89 Mercer St., , NY 10012; (212) 274-0989
- Bandito West 33 Greenwich Ave. , (212) 807-0120
- Bar 6 502 Sixth Ave. , NY, (212) 645-2439
- Bar 169 169 E Broadway, NY (212) 473-8866
- Bar d'O 29 Bedford St.(Downing), (212) 627-1580
- Bar Nine 807 Ninth Ave. , NY (212) 3999-9336
- Mary's Rest. 42 Bedford St. W. Village (212) 741-3387
- Marylou's 21 W. Ninth St. (212) 533-0012
- Maruzella 1479 1st Ave. (77th), NY, NY
- Mason's 462 Amsterdam Ave No phone.
- Match 160 Mercer St (Hstn/ Prince) 343 0020
- Match 33E. 60th St (Mad//Park) 906 9177
- Matt's Grill 932 Eighth Ave. (212) 307-5109
- May Bar & Lounge 1720 2nd Ave. (89th/90th), NY
- Max 1720 2nd Ave ( 89th/90th St)(212) 860-8950
- Max Fish 178 Ludlow Street, NY (212) 529-3959
- Moomba 133 7th Ave. S., NY 10014; (212) 989-1414
- McAleers Pub 425 Amsterdam Ave (212) 874 8037
- McCarthy's 345 2nd Ave (20th) (212) 477 6201
- McCormick's Public House 365 3rd Ave 683 0911
- McCoy's Bar 768 Ninth Ave. (212) 957-8055
- McDonalds 27 3rd Ave (St. Marks Pl. & Styversant St
- MacDougal St. Ale House 122 Macdougal St.254-8569
- Mac Menamin's Pub 89 South St. (212) 732-0007
- McGee Bar & Grill 240 W. 55th St. (212) 957-3536
- McGovern's Bar & Rest. 135 Reade St.227-2295
- Mchale's 750 Eighth Ave. (212) 246-8948
- McKenna's Public House 626 Hudson St. 620-8124
- Bar None 98 3rd Ave (212)777 6663
- Bar NY 1819 2nd Ave. (94th/95th), (212) 722-4220
- Bar on A 170 Ave A (212) 353 8231
- Bar Room 432 W. 14th St.(Wash.), (212) 366-5680
- Baraza 133 Ave C (8th/9th) 539 0811
- Barclays Bar & Grill 111 E. 48th St (212)755 5900
- Barfly 244 3rd Ave (20th) 473 9660
- Barmacy 538 E.14th St (212)228-2240
- Barracuda 275 W.22nd St (212)645 8613
- Barramundi 147 Ludlow St (212) 529 6900
- Barrow St. Ale House 15 Barrow St., (212) 206-7302
- Barrow's Pub 463 Hudson St. (212) 741-9349
- B Bar 368 Bowery at 4th St 475 2220
- BBQ & Booze 1461 1st Ave. (76th), NY, NY
- Beacon Hill Ale House 1474 1st Ave. 744 8992
- Bear Bar 456 B'Way, NY, NY (212) 362-2145
- Beauty Bar 231 E. 14th St., NY, (212) 539-1389
- Beekman Bar & Books 889 1st Ave. (212) 980-9314
- Beer Bar 200 Park Ave 818 1333
- Beer Hall 29 2nd Ave (2nd St.) 375 1449
- Bell Cafe 310 Spring St
- McHale's 750 Eighth Ave, NY (212) 997-8885
- McSherry's Cafe 1327 Third Ave. (212) 650-0731
- McStone's Pub 11 Stone St. (212) 943-3150
- McSorely's 15E. 7th St (2nd /3rd Ave.) 473 9148
- McSwiggan's Bar 393 Second Ave. (212) 725-8740
- McWiggins 393 2nd Ave (22nd/23rd) 725 8740
- McQuaids 589 11th Ave. (212) 582-6359
- Mekka 14 Ave. A., NY, NY (212) 473-6239
- Merchants 511 Colubus Ave. , NY, NY
- Merchants NY 112 7th Ave. , (212) 366-7267
- Meow Mix 269 Houston Street, NY (212) 254-0688
- MercBar 151 Mercer Street, NY (212) 966-2727
- Mercury Lounge 217 E. Houston St. (212) 260-4700
- Metronome 915 Broadway at 21nd St.,(212) 505-7400
- Mica Bar 252 E. 51st Street, NY (212) 888-2453
- Mi Cocina 57 Jane St., NY, NY 627-8273 Mon-Thur
- Micheal Jordon's 25 Vanderbilt Ave.
- Mickey Mantles 42 Central Park South 688-7777
- Miladys Bar & Rest 160 Prince St, NY (212) 226-9069
- Milano's 51 Houston St, New York (212) 226-8632
- Milo's Bar & Rest. 559 Lorimer St, Williamsburg,
- Belmont Lounge 117 E. 15th St.(212) 533-0009
- Bemelmans Bar 981 Madison Ave. (212) 744-1600
- Best in New York 393 Canal St (212) 334 5490
- Big Sur 1406 3rd Ave (80th) 472-5009
- BG's 1373 1st Ave. (73rd/74th), NY, NY
- Big Bar 75 E. 7th
- St.(1st/2nd), NY, NY (212) 777-6969
- Big Cat Cafe 1374 1st Ave. , (212) 717-2288
- Bill's Gay Ninieties 57 E.54th St 355-0243
- Billy's Topless 729 6th Ave (212) 989-3373
- Birdland 314 W 44th St (212) 581-3080
- Bishops 1649 3rd Ave (92nd &3rd St)
- Bitter End 147 Bleecker St 673-7030
- Blackfinn's 994 2nd Ave (212) 355-6993
- Black Star 92 2nd Ave (212) 254-4747
- Blanche's Tavern - Lucy's 135 Ave A East Village
- Bleecker Street Bar 58 Bleeker St 334-0244
- Blarney Star 43 Murray Street, NY (212) 732-2873
- Blarney Stones 259 W. 34 St. (212) 9470751
- Blarney Stones 918 3rd Ave. (212) 2233295
- Millenium 1 Wall St. Court (Beaver & Pearl St.)
- Minters 250 Vesey Street, New York (212) 945-4455
- Miracle Grill 112 1st Ave. 254-2353
- Mo Better Rest. 570 Amsterdam Ave. 580-7755
- Mo's Carribean Grill 1454 2nd Ave. (212) 650-0561
- Mojo's 161 E. Houston (Essex/ Eldridge) 228 4143
- Mona's 224 Avenue B, New York (212) 353-3780
- Monaco 421 Amsterdam Ave. , NY, NY
- Monkey Bar 60E. 54th St (Madison/Park) 868 2600
- Monkey's Paw 57 Christopher St 206 0303
- Montero's 74 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn No phone.
- Molly Wee Pub 402 8th Ave. (212) 967-2627
- Molly's (Molly Malone's) 287 3rd Ave.(212) 889-3361
- Moth Bar 15 Ave. B., NY, NY
- Mother 432 W. 14th St. (212) 366-5680
- Monster 80 Grove Street, New York (212) 924-3558
- Moonlighting 511 Amsterdam Ave, NY (212) 799-4643
- Montague St Saloon 122 Montague St,
- Blarney Stones 410 Eight Ave.(212) 997-9248
- Blarney Stones 340 Ninth Ave.(212) 502-4656
- Blarney Stones 11 Trinity Place,(212) 269-4988
- Blarney Stones 106 W. 32sn St. (212) 502-5139
- Blarney Stones 433 Park Ave.S, (212) 684-9472
- Blarney Cove 510 E 14 St. (212) 473-9284
- Blarney Rock 137 W 33rd St. ,(212) 9470825
- The Blind Tiger Ale House , NY, NY (212) 675-3848
- Blonde's 2180 B'Way, NY, NY (212) 362-4360
- Blondie's 212 W. 79th (Broadway/Amsterdam)
- Blue Angel 99 Staton St (212) 591 2498
- Blue & Gold 74 E 7th St (212) 473-8918
- Blue Lounge 625 Broadway, NY 10012 (212) 473 8787
- Blue Moon Cafe 1444 1st Ave. (75th), NY
- Blue Note: 131 W 3rd St. at 6th Ave. - (212) 475-8592
- Blue Ribbon 97 Sullivan St. ,(212) 274-0404
- Blue Water Grill 31 Union Sq W (212) 675 9500
- BMW 227 7th Ave (212) 229 1807
- BMW 443 E. 6th (1 Ave/ Ave A) (212) 229 1807
- Bob 235 Eldridge St. (212) 777-0588
- Boca Chica 13 1st Ave (212) 473-0108
- Moomba 113 7th Ave Sth (212) 989 1414
- Morans Bar Wrld. Fin. Ctr. 945 2255
- Morgans Bar 237 Madison Ave, NY (212) 726-7600
- Motor City Bar 127 Ludlow St (212) 581 8030
- Motown Cafe 127 Ludlow St (212) 581 8030
- Mr. Bigg's Bar and Grill 596 Tenth Ave. (212) 246-2030
- Mudville 9 126 Chambers St (212) 349 0059
- Mug Shot Saloon 1446 1st Ave (75th & 76th St.)
- Museum Cafe 366 Columbus Ave (76th) 799 0150
- Mugs Ale House 125 Bedford Ave., NY,
- Muldoon's 692 Third Ave. Midtown East (212) 599-2750
- Mullen's Pub 233 7th Ave. Chelsea (212) 255-6611
- Mulligan's Pub 267 Madison Ave. Murray Hill 286-0207
- Murphy's Pub 977 Second Ave. (212) 751-5400
- Musical Box 219 Ave. B., NY, NY
- Mustang Bar & Grill 163 2nd Ave. , (212) 744-9194
- Mustang Harry's 352 7th Ave. (212) 268-8930
- Mustang Sally's Saloon 324 7th Ave. 695-3806
- N 33 Crosby St (Broome/Grand) 219 8856
- Naked Lunch 17 Thompson St., NY,(212) 343-0828
- Nancy Whiskey's Pub 1 Lispenard St. (212) 226-9943
- Boiler Room 86 E. 4th St (1st/2nd Ave) 254-7536
- Bond St Lounge 6 Bond St (212) 777-2500
- Bontanica 47 Houston St., NY, NY (212) 343-7251
- Boo Randley's Pub Waverly Place, (212) 228-2608
- Boom 152 Spring St (212) 431-3663
- Boomer's Sports Club 349 Amsterdam Ave 362-5400
- Boots & Saddle 76 Christopher St 929-9684
- Border Cafe 244
- E. 79th St., NY, NY (212) 535-4347
- Botanica 47 Houston Street, New York (212) 343-7251
- Bottom Line, The 15 West 4th Street 212-228-6300
- Bourbon St. 407 Amsterdam Ave.
- Bousche Bar 540 E. 5th St (no phone)
- Bowery Bar 358 Bowery(4th St.), NY, (212) 475-2220
- Bowlmor Lanes 110 Univ. Pl. 255 8188
- The Box Car Lounge 168 Ave B (212-473-2830).
- Boxers 190 W. 4th St, NY (212) 633-BARK
- The Bowling Club 110 University Place
- Brady's Bar & Grill 1583 2nd Ave. (82nd), 650 0567
- Brady's Piano Bar 235 E 84th St 650 1944
- Braque 775 Washington St (212) 225 0709
- The Break 232 8th Ave. (22nd) 627 0072
- Nathan Hale's 6 Murray (Broadway & Church St.)
- Nells 246 W. 14th St.(7th/8th), (212) 675-1567
- Negril 362 W 23rd St (8th/9th Aves) (212) 807-6411
- Neptune Brewing Company 448 W. 16th St.229-2129
- New Amsterdam Co. 257 Park Ave.Sth, 473-1900
- New York Dolls 59 Murray St. (212) 227-6912
- Nevada Smith's 74 Third Ave, NY (212) 982-2591
- Niagara 112 Avenue A, New York (212) 420-9517
- Nice Guy Eddie's 5 Ave. A (212) 253-1666
- Nightingale Bar 213 Second Ave, NY (212) 473-9398
- Night Cafe 938 Amsterdam Ave., NY (212) 864-8889
- No Idea 30E. 20th St (212) 777 0100
- No Moore 234 N. Moore St (212) 925 2595
- North River Bar 145 Hudson St (212) 226 9411
- No-Tell Motel 167 Ave. A(10th/11th), 212) 475-2172
- The Noise Bar E. 13 St., NY, NY
- North Star Pub 93 South St., NY, NY (212) 509-6757
- Novecento 343 W. Broadway (212) 925 4706
- Nowbar 22 7th Ave. , NY, NY (212) 293-0323
- NV 289 Spring St., NY, NY (212) 929-NVNV
- O'Donnell's 8th Ave 687 8th Ave (212) 974-9683
- Brew's 156 E. 34th St. , NY, (212) 889-3369
- Brewsky's 41 E. 7th St. , NY,(212) 420-0671
- The Bridge 309 E. 60th St (212) 223 9104
- British Open 320 E. 59th St. (1st/2nd Ave) 355 8467
- Broadway Lnge 1535 B;Way(45th/46th) (212) 398-1900
- Broadway Dive 2662 Broadway, NY (212) 865-2662
- Broome St. Bar 363 W. Broadway, NY,
- Brother Jimmy's 76th St. & 1st st., NY
- Brother Jimmy's2 1645 3rd Ave. , NY,
- Brownies 169 Avenue A, New York (212) 420-8392
- Bryant Park Grill 25 W. 40th St., NY,(212) 840-6500
- Bubble Lounge 228 W. B'Way, NY,(212) 431-3433
- Bubby's Bar Hudson St., NY, NY (212) 219-0666
- Bull & Bear 301 Park Ave (49th) 872 4900
- Bulls Head Tavern 150 Varick St, at Vandam St 255 4433
- Bull McCabe's 29 St. Marks Place (212) 982-9895
- Bull Moose Saloon 354 W. 44th St 956 5625
- Burbon Street 407 Amsterdam Ave (212)721-1332
- Burp Castle 41 E. 7th St. , NY, NY
- C3 Lounge103 Waverly Place (212)2541200
- C-Note157 Ave. C (212) 677 8142
- O'Farrels 41310th Ave. (212)268-0587
- O'Flaherty's Ale House 334 W. 46th St. 581-9366
- O'Flanagans 1215 First Ave. (212) 439-0660
- O'Hanagen's Ale House & Rest15912nd Ave.
- O'Hanlon's Bar 349 E.14th St.(212) 473-9387
- O'Keefe's 62 Court St, NY (718) 855-8751
- O'Connors 39 Fifth Ave, Brooklyn (718) 783-9721
- O'Lunney's Times Sq Pub204 W. 43rd St,(212) 840-6688
- O'Neil's Grand St.174 Grand St., (212) 941-9119
- Oak Room at the Algonquin 59 W. 44th St, 840-6800
- Oak Bar at The Plaza Hotel 768 Fifth Ave 759-3000
- Old Town Bar 45 E.18 St, (212) 529-6732
- Olympic 654 W 48th St .(212) 489-6088 6am-6pm
- Orange Bear Bar 47 Murray St, NY (212) 566-3705
- Oznots Rest. Corner of Berry & North
- 9th St.s (718) 599-6596
- O'Flanagans 12151st. Ave. 65th st.,(212)439-0660
- O'Hanagen's Ale House & Rest15912nd Ave.
- Oak Bar at The Plaza Hotel 768 Fifth Ave 759-3000
- The Oak 49 Grove St (Bleeker St)243 8883
- Oasis Lounge121 St. Marks Place, NY (212)260-7182
- Cafe de Bruxelles118 Greenwich Ave. (212)206-1830
- Cafe Sine' 122 St. Mark's Place, NY, (212) 982-0370
- Cala di Volpe 430 Broome St., NY, NY (212) 388-8636
- The Campbell Appt. Grand Ctrl Term , 15 Vanderbilt Ave
- Candela's 116 E.16th (212)2541600
- Cafe Carlyle 35 E. 76th (212) 7441600
- Cafe Loup 105 W.13th St. (212)255-4746
- Cafe Noir 32 Grand St (212) 431-7910
- Cafe Pierre 2 E. 61st St (5th Ave) 940 81 95
- Cafe Remy 104 Greenwich St 267 4646
- Cafe Wha? 115 Macdougal St. (212)254-3707
- Cafeteria 119 7th Ave (17h St) 4141717
- Caffé Novecento 343 W Bway (212) 925-4706
- Caliente Cab Co 61 7th Ave. So.243 8517
- Candle Bar 309 Amsterdam Ave (74th St) 874-9155
- Canyon Bar & Grill 14701st Ave.(212) 734-1600
- Carbon 605 W. 55th St (11/12th St) 582 8282
- Carnegie Bar and Books156 W 56th St. (212) 957-9676
- Carnegie Hill Brewing Co.1600 3rd Ave.(212)369-0808
- Casa La Femme 150 Wooster St (212) 505-0005
- Obeca Li 62 Thomas St (212) 393 9887
- Odeon145 W Broadway (212)233 0507
- Off The Wagon109 Mac Dougal St.
- Official All-Star Cafe1540 Broadway, (212) 840-8326
- Oops 168 Ave B (10th/11th Ave)2291618
- Old Stand 914 Third Ave. (212) 759-4836
- Old Town Bar 45 E.18 St.(B'Way), NY (212) 529-6732
- Olde Galway 9872nd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 755-8383
- One Sixty Nine Club 169 E. Broadway (212) 473-8866
- Opaline 85 Avenue A East Village (212) 475-5050
- Openers Pub 316 Third Ave. (212) 673-5149
- Opera 539 W.21st St (10/11th Ave)229 1618
- Opium Den 29 E. 3rd St., NY, NY (212) 505-7344
- Orange Bear Bar 47 Murray St. (212) 566-3705
- Orchard Bar 200 Orchard Street, NY (212) 673-5350
- Orson's 1752nd Ave (11th/12th St) 4751530
- Otis 754 9th Ave (51st/52nd)246 4417
- Other Room 143 Perry St. (212) 645 9758
- Casey's Dance Hall 1584 York Ave, (212) 570-5454
- Casimir 103105 Ave B (212-358-9683).
- Cats 232 W 48th St ( B'way/8th Ave) (212)245-5245
- CBGB 315 Bowery at Bleecker St 982-4052.
- Cedar Tavern 82 Univ. Pl. (212) 741 9754
- Champs 17 W19th St 633-1717
- Chaos 23 Watts Street, New York (212) 925-8966
- The Charleston 174 Bedford Ave, Bklyn 782-8717
- Chaz & Wilson's 201 W. 79th St. (212)769 0100
- Cheetah12 W21st St., NY, NY (212)206-7770
- Chelsea Brewing Co. Pier 59, Chelsea Piers, 336-6440
- Chelsea Commons24210th Ave (24th St) 929 9424
- Cherokee Phoenix 570 Amsterdam Ave. 580-7755
- Chez es Saada 42 E.1st St (1st/2nd Ave) 777 56517
- Chumley's 86 Bedford(Barrow/Grove), (212) 675-4449
- Chibi's Sake Bar242 Mott St (212)274 0025
- Chicago B.L.U.E.S. 73 Eighth Ave 924-9755.
- China Club 268W. 47th St877-1166
- P&G Cafe & Bar279 Amsterdam Ave.(212)874-8568
- P G Kings18 W. 33d St. (212) 290-0080
- P. J. Carney's 906 7th Ave. (212) 664-0056
- P.J. Clarke's 915 Third Ave. (212) 759-1650
- Pablo's Mexican 15842nd Ave. (82nd St)
- Paddy Reilly's Music Bar 5192nd Ave. (212) 686-1210
- Palio Restaurant 151 W. 51st St. (212)245-4850
- Panell's Pub Restaurant 350 E. 53rd St., (212) 753-1761
- Parkside Lounge 317 E. Houston St., (212) 473-9257
- Paddy Reilly's Music Bar 5192nd Ave. (212) 686-1210
- Park Avalon 225 Park Ave. S (18/19th) 5332500
- Park Avenue Country
- Club 381 Park Ave. 685-3636
- Park View at the Boathouse 72nd St (212) 517-2233
- Patrick Conway's 40 E. 43rd St.(212)286-1874
- Paris Cafe 119 South St. (212) 608-2600
- The Parlor 86 W.86th St (212) 580 8923
- The Parlour 86 W.86th St (212) 580 8923
- Passport 79 St. Marks Place (212) 979-2680
- Pasticcio 447 Third Avenue, NY (212) 679-255
- Cibar 56 Irving Pl (17th/18th St) 460 5656
- Ciel Rouge 176 7th Ave (20th/21st St) 929 5542
- Circa 103 2nd Ave. (6th), NY, NY (212) 777-4120
- Citrus Bar & Grill 320 Amsterdam Ave (103) 595 0500
- City Wine & Cigar Co. 62 Laight St(212) 334-2274
- CJ's Bar & Grill 390 Eighth Ave. (212) 563-5190
- Clementine1 Fifth Ave. , NY253 0003
- Cleo's 9th Ave
- Saloon 656 9th Ave,(212) 307-1503
- Cleopatra's Needle Rest. 2485 B'way (212) 769-6969
- Cloister Cafe 238 E. 9th St (2nd/3rd Ave) 777 9128
- Club Car 16962nd Ave (87th& 88th St.)
- Club Elite 208 W.23rd St.
- Club 44 689 8th Ave ( 43rd/44th Sts) (212) 765-5047
- Club 58 40 E. 58th St., NY, NY (212) 308-1456
- Club House 56523rd St., NY, NY (212) 726-8820
- Club Macanudo26 E. 63rd St 752 8200
- Club Vertigo 565 W23rd St., NY, NY (212) 366-4181
- The Cock 188 Avenue A (at12th St) New York,
- Cocoa Bar 155 Avenue B East Village (212)253-6333
- Coco Bar 155 Ave B (10th St)253 6333
- Coco Cafe 7 E. 59th St 935 3535
- Patrick Kavanagh's 497 Third Ave. (212) 889-4304
- Peculier Pub145 Bleecker St. NY, NY (212) 353-1327
- Pegasus 119 E. 60th St (Lex Ave) 888 4702
- Penn Bar 416 Eighth Ave. , (212) 502-5874
- Peculiar Pub145 Bleecker St., NY, NY (212) 353-1327
- Pete's Tavern 129 E.18th St (Irving Pl.) 473 7676
- Phebe's Place 361 Bowery, New York (212) 473-9008
- Pieces 8 Christopher Street, NY (212) 929-9291
- Pickwick Arms Hotel230 E. 51st St. (800) PICKWIK
- Pig 'n' Whistle 922 3rd Ave (55th & 56th St.)
- Pedro's 301 E. 91st.(1st/2nd), NY, NY (212) 831-1788
- Penang Malaysian Cuisine 109 Spring St (212)274-8883
- Peppers Rest. & Bar 349 Broadway (212) 343-2824
- Perk's Fine Cuisine 553 Manhattan Ave St 666-8500
- Pete's Tavern 129 E.18th St. (212) 473-7676
- Pete's Wicked Bar 2160 B'Way, NY, NY
- Peter McManus Bar & Grill152 7th Ave. 929-9691
- Peter's 182 Columbus Ave ( 68th/69th Sts) 877-4747
- Pierrot 28 Ave B (3rd St) 6731999
- Pipeline 2 World Financial Ctr, NY (212) 945-2755
- Planet 2825 W.28th St (7/8th Ave.) 6431119
- Cody's 282 Hudson St (212) 924 5853
- Coffee Shop 29 Union Sq. W.16th st.(212)243-7969
- The Collins Bar 735 8th Avenue (46th St.)
- Comfort Zone 405 3rd Ave (29th) 684 8376
- Comic Strip15662nd Ave. (81st/82nd), (212) 861-9386
- The Commons 18082nd Ave (93rd & 94th St.)
- Commonwealth Brewing Company NY (CBCNY)10 Rockefeller Plaza, NY, NY (212) 977-2269
- Commuter Cafe Wld
- Trd Cntr Path Stn (no phone)
- Coney Island High15 St. Marks Place (212) 674-7959
- Continental25 3rd Ave. (at St. Marks) (212) 529-6924
- Copacabana 617 W. 57th St, NY, NY (212) 582-2672
- Cornelia St Cafe 29th Cornelia St (212) 989 9319
- Corner Bistro 331 W. Fourth St. (212)242-9502
- Cousins II 160 Court Street, Bklyn (718) 596-3514
- Cowboy Bar 14591st Ave. , NY, NY (212) 288-6635
- Cowgirl
- Hall Of Fame 519 Hudson St. (212) 633-1133
- Coyote Ugly Saloon 153 First Ave, (212) 477-4431
- The Cooler 416 W.14th St.(9th), NY (212) 645-5189
- Crazy Horse Too 409 W.14th St (9th & !0th Ave.)
- Cream 246 Columbus Ave 712 1666
- Planet Hollywood 140 W. 57th St. (212) 333-7827
- Play by Play 4 Penn Plaza Midtown West 465-5888
- Players Sports Bar 1335 Sixth Ave. (212)261-5896
- Polly
- Esther's
186 W. 4th St., NY,(212) 924-570
- Polo Lounge 840 Madison Ave. (212) 439-4835
- Potion 370 Columbus Ave. (77th & 78th St.)
- Prince St. Bar 125 Prince St. , NY, NY
- Private Eyes 320 W 45th St (8th/9th Ave) 582-4001
- The Pyramid 101 Ave. A.., NY, NY (212) 473-7184
- The Poor House 17102nd Ave(88th/89th), NY, NY
- PG Kings 18 W 33rd, (212)290-0080
- PJ Clarke's 915 3rd Ave. (55th), NY, (212) 355-8857
- P.J. Carney's Pub
- Plush 431 W14th St., NY, NY (212) 367-7035
- Potion Lounge 370 Columbus Ave (212-721-4386).
- Pour House 17102nd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 987-3790
- Pravda 281 Lafayette St.(Prince/Hstn),226-4696
- Prohibition 503 Columbus Ave. 579-3100
- Prowl 13741st Ave (72nd & 73rd St)
- Public Lounge210 W. 35th St. (212) 564-5237
- Puffy's Tavern 81 Hudson St.(Harrison), 766-9159
- Creation20 W. 39th St (5th & 6th Ave.)
- Cronies 16952nd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 860-1919
- Cub Room 1313 Sullivan St (Prince) 677 4100
- Cubbyhole 281 W.12th (212)243 9041
- Cuckoo Caribe 81 Ave. A (5th/6th Ave) 533 2928
- Culture Club 80's 179 Varick St (7th)
- D Lounge 502 Park Ave (59th Ave) 3552500
- Dakota Bar & Grill1576 3rd Ave (88/89th) 427 8889
- Dan Lynch's Blues Bar2212nd Ave. E.13St. 677-0911
- Dark Star Lounge158 W. 72d St. (212) 362-2590
- Dbb-2 Lounge 121 St. Marks Place (212)260-7182
- d.b.a.41
- 1st Ave. , NY, NY (212) 475-5097
- Deadline 1649 Third Ave. (212)289-9982
- Decade11171st Ave (61st St) 835 5979
- Decibe l240 E. 9th St (2nd/3rd St) 979 2733
- Delia's Supper Club197 E.3rd St254 9184
- Delmomico's 56 Beaver St 5091144
- Denial 46 Grand St (212-925-9449).
- Denim & Diamonds 511 Lexington Ave, 371-1600
- Dennison's 137 Franklin St (212)226 9000
- Pussycat Lounge 96 Greenwich St (212) 258-6100
- Queen Of Hearts180 E. 88th St. (212) 987-7766
- Quiet Man 1768 Second Ave. (212) 348-0879
- Raccoon Lodge 1439 York Ave. (76th), (212) 650-1775
- Raccoon Lodge Bar 482 Amsterdam Ave. NY, NY
- Radio Mexico Cafe 259 Front St. (212) 791-5416
- Rancho 468 Amsterdam Ave. NY, NY
- Rascals Rock 125 W. 43rd (6th Ave & Broadway)
- Rathbones Pub 17022nd Ave(88th St.), NY, NY
- The Raven 194 (12th) 529 4712
- Rawhide 212 Eighth Avenue, NY (212)242-9332
- Rebar 127 8th Ave. (16th St.),(212) 627-1680
- Red Bench107 Sullivan St (212)274 9120
- Red Rock West Saloon 457 W17th St (212) 366-5359
- Red Lion151 Bleeker St (212) 473 9560
- Reif's Bar 302 E. 92nd(1st&2nd), NY,
- Regents 316 E 53rd (2nd Ave.) 988-6100
- Remedy 179 Varick St., NY, NY (212) 463-0509
- Reminiscence Bar & Lounge 334 E 73rd 988-6100
- Reservoir Bar & Grill 70 University Place, 598-0055
- Departure Lounge145 Ludlow St.(212)254-5277
- Desmond's Tavern 433 Prk Ave. Murray Hill 684-9472
- Detour 349 E.13th (1st Ave.) (212) 533-6212
- Dew Drop Inn 57 Greenwich Ave. (212) 780-0313
- Dharma 174 Orchard Street, NY (212) 780-0313
- Diablo 135 W 41st St (B'way & 6th Ave) 358-3917
- Dick's Bar 192 Second Avenue, NY (212) 475-2071
- Dillon's Bar & Grill13611st Ave. (73rd), NY
- Diva 341 W. Broadway (212)941 9024
- Dive 75101 W 75 St., NY, NY
- The Dive Bar 372 Amsterdam Ave. (212) 749-4358
- Divino Piano Bar15562nd Ave. (80th/81st),
- Divine Bar 244 E 51st St (2nd/3rd Aves) 319-9463
- Doc Holliday's 141 Avenue A, NY (212) 979-0312
- Doc Watson's NYC Pub 14902nd Ave. (77th/78th),
- Dock's Oyster Bar 633 3rd Ave (40th St) 986 8080
- Don Hill's 511 Greenwich St. (Spring St.) 334-1390
- Donald Sacks Wrld. Fin. Ctr (212) 619 4600
- Donohue's 174 W 72nd St,(212) 874-9304
- Restaurant147147 W15th St ( 6th/7th Aves) 929-5000
- Revival129 E15St., NY, NY (212)253-8061
- Revolution 611 9th Ave. (43/ 44th St.) 489 84 51
- Richter's Bar1608 3rd Ave (90th/91st) 72 5405
- Rising Cafe186 Fifth Ave, Brooklyn (718) 789-6340
- Riverrun Cafe 176 Franklin St., NY
- Rivertown Lounge187 Orchard St, NY (212) 388-1288
- Rock 'n' Roll Cafe149 Bleecker St. (212) 677-7630
- Rodeo Bar 375 3rd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 683-6500
- Rocky Sullivan's Pub 129 Lexington Ave. 725-3871
- Rolf's 22nd St. & 3rd Ave. , NY,
- Rome 290 Eighth Ave. Chelsea (212)242-6969
- The Room 144 Sullivan St (Houston) 4772102
- Rosie Too! 640 Tenth Avenue (212)245-9566
- Rosa Mexicano 10631st Ave.(212) 753-7407
- Rose's Turn 55 Grove St. (212) 366-5438
- Rosie's Pub 41 Murray St. (212) 964-8785
- Rosa Mexicano 10631st Ave.(212) 753-7407
- Round Table 1582 York Ave. , NY,(212) 734-5556
- Donohue's Pub174 W 72nd St, NY,(212) 874-9304
- Donovan's Roosevelt Ave. & 56th St. in Woodside
- Don't Tell Mama 3434 W. 46th St (212) 757 0788
- Dorian's 1616 2nd (84th St) 772 6660
- Double Happiness 173 Mott St (Broome) 9411282
- Drovers Tap Room 9 Jones St., NY, (212) 627-1233
- Down Time Bar251 W. 30th St., (212) 695-2747
- Down the Hatch179 W 4th St (212) 627-9747
- Downtown Uptown16262nd Ave (212) 327-1327
- Down Under Club17331st Ave., (212) 860-9140
- Drinkland 339 E.10th Street, NY (212)228-2435
- Drip 489 Amsterdam Ave (212) 8751032.
- Drovers Tap Room 9 Jones St. (212) 627-1233
- Dublin House 225 W. 79th St. (212) 874-9528
- Dublin Over209 84th St. (2nd &3rd Ave.)
- Due South 399 Greenwich St. (212) 431-3318
- Dugout 185 Christopher St.242 9113
- Dukes 99 E.19th (212)2602922
- Duplex 61 Christopher St (7th Ave)255 5438
- Roylaton 44 W. St.(5th/6th), NY, NY (212) 869-4400
- Roxy 515 W18th St (10th) (212) 645-5156
- Rubyfruit Bar & Grill 531 Hudson St. (212) 929-3343
- Ruby's Tap House 17542nd Ave. (91st/92nd), NY, NY
- Ruby's Taphouse 14952nd Ave. , NY
- Ruby's Old Thyme Bar Boardwalk Bkyln, (718) 748-7636
- Rudy's Bar and Grill 627 Ninth Ave, NY(212) 974-9169
- Rum House 228 W. 47th St.(212) 869-3005
- Russian Samovar 256 W. 52nd St.(212) 757-0168
- Russian Vodka Room 265 W. 52d St. (212) 307-583500.
- Rumpelmayer'sSt Moritz Htl, 50 Ctrl Prk Sth, 755 5800.
- Ryan's Daughter 350 E. 85th St. (212) 628-2613
- Ryan's Irish Pub 151 Second Avenue, (212) 979-9511
- Ryan's Sports Bar & Rest. 46 Gold St (212) 385-6044
- SFB 12 W.21st St, (212)206-7770 Hrs Vary w/ Event
- Sake Bar Decibel 240 E. Ninth St. (212) 979-2733
- Sally's 252 W. 43rd Street, (212) 944-6000 ext.212
- Sam Beckets 13731st Ave. (73rd & 74th St)
- Sam Maguire's 6697 B'way, Riverdale, Bronx 549-9730
- Dusk of London147 W.24th St, NY (212) 924-4490
- E & O 100 Houston St (212) 254 7000
- Eagles Nest 14211th Ave (21st St) 691 8491
- Eamonn Doran 136 W. 33d St. Chelsea 967-7676
- Eamonn Doran 998 Second Ave.(212) 752-8088
- Ear Inn 326 Spring St. , NY, NY (212)226-9060
- East of Eighth 254 W.23rd St (212) 352 0075
- East Side Ale House 9612nd Ave. (212) 752-3615
- Easy St.15902nd Ave. (82nd/83rd), (212) 288-7263
- Edge Bar 95 E. 3rd (1st/2nd) 4772940
- Edward Moran Bar & Grill250 Vesey St 945-2255
- The Edelweiss 58011th Ave, NY (212) 629-1021
- Eighty-Eight's 228 W10th St, NYC,(212) 924-0088
- El Flamingo 547 W.21st.(10th&11th),243-2121
- El Rio Grande160 E. 38th St., (212) 867-0922
- El Sombrero108 Stanton St.(212)254-4188
- El Teddy's 219 W. Broadway (212) 941 7070
- Quijote Bar & Restaurant226 W.23d St. 929-1855
- Elbow Room 144 Bleeker St. 979 8434
- Elaines17032nd Ave. (88th/89th),(212) 534-8103
- Elsie's Oke Doke 304 E 84th St. 650-9492
- Element Zero215 E.10th St. (212) 780-9855
- Eleventh St Bar 510 E.11th St (Ave A/B) 982 3929
- Ellen O'Dees 130 E. 40th St (212)213 3998
- Sandy's Place 6992nd Ave. Murray Hill (212) 599-9349
- Saints 992 Amsterdam Ave (109th) 222 2431
- San Francisco Plum 544 Sixth Ave,NY (212) 924-9125
- Sanctuary Lounge 444 7th Ave, NY (718) 832-9800
- Sand Bar The Boardwalk, Rockaway Beach, Queen
- Sapphire 249 Eldridge St, NY, NY (212) 777-5153
- Savoy 355 W 41st .(212) 947-5255
- Scharmanns 386 W. Broadway (212)2192561
- Sci Bar 28 E.23rd St.(Park/Mad.), NY (212) 529-4349
- Scores 333 E. 60th St. Midtown East (212) 421-3763
- Scratcher 209 E. 5th (2nd/3rd Ave) 477 0030
- Scruffy Duffy's 743 Eighth Ave. (212) 586-2424
- Secret Harbor Bistro 303 Lexington Ave. 447-7400
- Shades of Green 125 E.15th St. (212) 473-8407
- The Shadow 229 W.28th St, NY, NY (212) 629-3331
- Shandon Star 938 Eighth Ave, NY (212) 664-8181
- Shangri-La Grill 807 Ninth Ave, NY (212) 582-9641
- Shark Bar 307 Amsterdam Ave. , NY, (212) 874-8500
- Shine 285 W. Broadway (Canal) 941 0900
- Shinbashi 280 OPark Ave (48th St)
- Shenanigans 125 E. 47th St. (212) 935-9806
- Siberia Downtown 1/9, 50th St. Station, (212)333-4141
- The Silver Swan 41 E.20th , NY, NY (212)254-3611
- Sistista 15552nd Ave. (80th/81st), NY
- Embassy166 Hudson St., NY, NY (212) 941-1183
- Emerald Inn 205 Columbus Ave ( 69th St) 874-8840
- Emerald Saloon 618 Amsterdam Ave (212) 787 9628
- Entourage Sports Cafe15712nd Ave. (81st/82nd),
- Esso 38th Bet.10th &11th., NY,
- Evelyn 380 Columbus Ave (212) 7242363
- Exile 117 W. 70th St 496 3272
- Expo124 W. 43rd St.
- Fast Folk Cafe 41 North Moore St274-1636.
- Florent 69 Gansevoort St.,, NY10014 (212)989-5779
- Fanelli 94 Prince St.(Mercer),(212)226-9412
- Fashion Cafe 51 Rockerfeller Pl (212) 765 3131
- Fedora Restaurant And Bar239 W. Fourth St.242-9691
- Felix 340 W. Broadway TriBeCa/SoHo (212) 431-0021
- Ferrier 29 E. 65th St. Upper East Side (212) 772-9000
- Fez at Time Cafe 380 Lafayette St, (212) 533-2680
- Fiddlers Green 58 W. 48th St. (212) 819-0095
- Fiddlesticks Pub 54-58 Greenwich Ave, (212) 463-0516
- Fifty-Seven Fifty-Seven 57 E. 57th St. (212) 758-5757
- Film Center Cafe 635 9th Ave (212)2622525
- Finnegans's Wake 13611st Ave (73rd) 737 3664
- Fiona's Bar & Rest16641st Ave. (87th/88th), NY, NY
- Firehouse 522 Columbus Ave. , 522-FIRE
- Ship of Fools15092nd Ave (82nd /83rd St) 5702651
- Siberia 50th & B'way (212) 333 4141
- Sidewalk Cafe & Bar 94 Ave A (6th St)253 8080
- Subway Inn 143 E 60th St (Lex. Ave) (212)223-8929
- Simone 1341st Ave (St Marks Pl.) 982 6665
- Ski Bar 18252nd Ave. (94th/95th), NY
- The Slaughtered Lamb 182 W. 4th St., NY 727-3350
- Small's 183 W10th St (near 6th) (212) 929-7565
- Snapper Creek 15891st. Ave(82nd/83rd), NY,
- Smith's 701 Eighth Ave .,(212)246-3268
- Smith's Bar 701 Eighth Avenue, NY (212)246-3268
- Sneaker's 392 West St. (212) 242-9830
- The Snug 450 Amsterdam Ave. NY,
- S.O.B.'s 204 Varick St at Houston St243-4940.
- SoHa 998 Amsterdam Ave (212) 678-0098
- Soho Kitchen & Bar103 Greene St (212) 9251866
- Solas 223 E 9th St (2nd/3rd Ave.) 375 0297
- Sophie's 509 E. 5th Street, New York (212)228-5680
- Sound Factory 618 W. 46th St, (212)489-0001
- Soul Cafe 444 W 42nd St , NY (212)244-7685
- South(formerly Anarchy)27 3rd Ave. (212) 475-1270
- South Beach 6112nd Ave. Murray Hill 779-0300
- Spring St. Brewing Company Microbrewery 60 Spring St.
- First 87 First Ave. East Village (212) 674-3823
- Fitzgerald's Pub 336 3rd Ave. (212) 679-6931
- Fitzpatrick 16412nd Ave. , NY, NY 988-7141
- Flannery's 205 W.14th St, NY (212) 929-9589
- Flamingo East 2192nd Ave. NY, NY (212) 533-2860
- Flashdancers 1674 B'way (52rd & 53th Sts) 315-5107
- Flavors 40W. 8th St (MacDoougal St. & 6th Ave)
- Flight151 151 8th Ave (17th/18th)229 1868
- Flight1668 1668 3rd Ave (93rd/94th) 426 1416
- Flowers 21 W17th St ( 5th/6th Aves) (212) 691-8888
- Flute 205 W. 54th St265 5169
- Flor de Sol 361 Greenwich St., NY, NY (212) 334-6411
- Florent 69 Gansevoort St. West Village (212) 989-5779
- Food Bar 149 8th Ave (17th/18th St)(212)243-2020
- Fraunces Tavern Rest. 54 Pearl St (212)269 0144
- Fred's Beauty 4 W.22nd St (5th/6th Ave) 7521425
- Frederick's 24 E. 64th St., NY, NY
- French Roast2340 B'Way, NY, NY24 hrs. Frolic
- Room188 Ave A (12th) 777 6254
- Fujiyama Mama 467 Columbus Ave 7691144
- Full Moon Saloon 735 8th Ave (212) 664-9829
- Fulton Street Cafe 11 Fulton St, NY (212)227-2288
- 223 W.19th Street, New York (212) 929-1085
- Gaf Bar 251 E. 85th St (2nd/3rd Ave)288 0966
- The Slaughtered Lamb Pub182 W. 4th St.
- Spaghetti Western 59 Reade St. TriBeCa/SoHo 513-1333
- Spanky's Bar 14461st. Ave(75th), NY,(212) 772-6597
- The Spike 12011th Ave (at20th) (212)234-9688
- Spiral Lounge224 E. Houston St (Ave A) 3531740
- Speeed 20 W. 39th St (5th & 6th Ave.)
- Splash Bar 50 W.17th St, NY (212) 691-0073
- Spoon 12 Ave A (1st/2nd St) 477 9050
- Sporting Club 99 Hudson St. TriBeCa/SoHo219-0900
- Sports Page Cafe 882nd Ave (5th)254-1562
- Spring Lounge 50 Spring St.(212)226-9347
- Spy 101 Greene St.(Prince/Spr.), (212) 343-9000
- Squeeze 320 Amsterdam Ave ( 75th St) 595-0500
- Square Rigger Bar 163 Front St. (212) 422-0188
- Sushi Generation 1571 Second Ave.,212-249-2222
- ST Bar 634 E11th St ( Aves B and C) (212) 475-8270
- Standard 158 First Avenue, New York (212) 387-0239
- Standard Notions 161 Ludlow St., NY, (212) 473-3535
- Stand-Up New York236 W 78th St (212) 595-0850
- Stanhope Hotel - Blue Bongo 995 5th Ave. 717-0303
- Stella's 266 W. 47th Street, New York (212) 575-1680
- Stingy Lulu's 129 St. Marks Place St.
- Dymphna's 118 St. Marks Place,(212)254-6636
- St. Marks Ale House 2 St- Marks Place (212)260-9762
- Garage Rest. & Cafe 99 7th Ave. (212) 645-0600
- Galapagos 70 N. 6th Street, Brooklyn (718) 782-5188
- Gaslight 400 W.14th St (9th Ave) 807 8444
- The Gemini221 Second Avenue, NY (212) 254-5260
- The Gin Mill 442 Amsterdam Ave. , NY 580 9080
- Global 33 932nd Ave. (5th/6th), NY, NY (212) 477-8427
- The Globe 373 Park Ave (26th/27th St) 545 8800
- Gloccamora 304 3rd Ave (23/24th St) 473 9638
- Gramercy Watering Hole106 E.19th St., (212) 674-5783
- Gramercy Park Hotel Bar 2 Lexington Ave 475-4320
- Grand Bar 310 W Broadway (212) 924 5246
- The Grange Hall 50 Commerce St., NY, (212) 924-5246
- Granville Lounge 40 E.20th St (Park/B'way)253 9099
- Grassroots Tavern 20 St. Marks Place, (212) 475-9443
- The Garage Restaurant & Cafe 99 7th Ave.Sth 645-0600
- The Ginger Man11 E. 36th St. , NY, (212) 532-3740
- Globe 373 Park Ave. South Murray Hill (212) 545-8800
- Gold Bar 345 E. 9th St. , NY, NY (212) 505-8270
- Googie's 237 Sullivan St. West Village (212) 673-0050
- Gramercy Tavern 42 E.20th St. , NY, (212) 477-0777
- Grand Saloon 158 E.23d St. (212) 477-6161
- Grange Hall 50 Commerce St. W. Village 924-5246
- St Marks Bar1321st Ave (Marks Pl.) 505 0290
- St. Nick's Pub 773 St. Nicholas Ave., (212)283-9728
- Stock and Tankard Bar-Rest. 587 3rd Ave. 661-3181
- Stonewall 53 Christopher Street, NY (212) 463-0950
- The Stoned Crow 85 Washington Plc, 677-4022
- Subway Inn 143 E 60th St., NY, NY (212)223-8289
- Sunset Bar Pier 61,2d Fl. Chelsea (212) 560-5593
- Sutton Watering Hole 209 E. 56th St.,(212) 355-6868
- Sweet and Vicious 5 Spring St, NY (212) 334-7915
- Sweet Water Tavern105 N. 6th St, NY (718) 963-0608
- Sweet Melissa's16292nd Ave (84/85th St) 6391630
- Swift Hibernian Lounge 34 E- 4th St. (212)260-3600
- Sydney B202 9th Ave (23St) 9892002
- System 76 E.13th St.(B'Way/4th), (212) 388-106
- T. J. Keane's Pub 783 Eighth Ave. (212)245-1821
- T.G.I. Friday's At Rockefeller Center 21 W. 51st St.(212) 767-8352
- Talk of the Village162 Bleecker St. (212) 358-9385
- Tall Ships Bar & Grill 3 Wld Trd Ctr (212) 444-4025
- Tap Room 3W.18th St (5/6th Ave.) 691 7666
- Tap a Keg2731 Broadway, NY (212) 749-1734
- Tar Bar 14121st Ave(74th&75th), NY, NY
- Grassroots Tavern 20 St. Marks Place, (212) 475-9443
- Great Jones 54 Great Jones St.,NY,(212) 674-9304
- Greatest Bar on Earth1 World Trade Cnt,107th Flr, New York (212) 524-7000
- Greenwich Pizza and Brewing Co 418 6th Ave. 477-8744
- Grisworld's Pub 7726 Third Ave, Bklyn (718) 745-3340
- The Groove 125 MacDougal St (212) 673 5576
- Guiseppe O'Leary's221 E. 58th st., (212) 980-4616
- Guernica 25 Ave btwn2nd and 3rd Sts (212-674-0984)
- Hackers, Hitters And Hoops 123 W.18th St. 929-7482
- Harglo's Cafe 9742nd Ave (51/52nd St) 759 9820
- Hallo Berlin 402 W. 51st St. , NY, NY (212) 541-6248
- Hannah's Cocktail Lounge 923 8th Ave ( 54th/55th St)
- Hanger Bar115 Christopher St (Hudson) 627-2044
- Hard Rock Cafe221 W. 57th St 459 9320
- Harglo's Cafe 9742nd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 759-9820
- Harley Davidson Cafe1370 6th Ave (212)245 6000
- Harp Bar And Rest.132 W. 32d St. (212) 947-7799
- Headlines1678 First Ave. Upper E. Side (212) 426-6309
- Heartland Brewery 35 Union Square W. (212) 645-3400
- Heights Cafe 84 Montague St, Bklyn (718) 625-5555
- Heidelberg Restaurant16482nd Ave. (212) 650-1385
- Hell 59 Gansevoort St., NY, NY (212) 727-1666
- Tasty Deli 4020 Brdwy (at169th St.),(212) 923-0700
- Tatou151 E. 50th St (3rd & Lex), (212) 753-1144
- Tavern on Jane 31 8th Ave (Jane St) 6752526
- Teddy's 96 Berry St, Williamsburg, Bklyn 384-9787
- Telephone Bar & Grill 1492nd Ave (212) 529 5000
- Temple Bar 332 Lafayette St. (212) 925-4242
- Tens 35 E21st St (Park Ave/B'way) (212)254-2444
- Tenth St. Lounge 212 E.10th St.(1st&2nd), 473 5252
- Terra Blues 149 Bleecker St 777-7776.
- Texas Grill 565 3rd Ave. , NY, NY (212) 6661-7406
- Thats a Rap 16611st Ave. (86th & 87th St.)
- Times Square Brewery and Restaurant 160 W. 42nd St.NY, NY (212) 398-1234
- Thady Con's 9152nd Ave. (212) 688-9700
- Third & Long 523 3rd. Ave. (35th), NY,(212) 725-9871
- Three of Cups 811st Ave ( 5th/6th Sts) 388-0059
- Toolbox 17422nd Ave (90th/91st Sts) (212) 348-1288
- Thirteen 35 W.13th St (B'way & Univ. Pl), 979-6677
- Time Cafe 87 7th Ave Sth (Barrow)220 9100
- Tin Lizzy 16472nd Ave (85/86th)288 7983
- The Tavern at the Tonic108 W18th St (212-929-9755)
- Toad Hall 57 Grand St (212) 431 8145
- Tool Box 17482nd Ave, NY (212) 427-3106
- Hellfire28 9th Ave (14th St) NY (212) 647-0063
- Henrietta Hudson 438 Hudson St, NY (212) 924-3347
- Hi Life Lounge 13401st Ave. (72nd), (212)249-3600
- Hogs & Heifers 859 Washington St.,(212) 929-0655
- Hogs & Heifers (Uptown)18431st Ave, (212) 722-8635
- Hog Pit 22 Ninth Ave. West Village (212) 604-0092
- Holiday Cocktail Lounge 75 St. Marks Pl. 777-9637
- Holland Bar 532 Ninth Ave .(212) 502-4609
- Hooligan's
- Tavern
18042nd Ave. (93rd/94th), NY,
- Holy Cow250 W. 86th St., NY, NY (212) 769-0000
- Hourglass Tavern 373 W. 46th St, (212)265-2060
- Houston's Citicorp Ctr,153 E 53rd St (212) 888-3828
- Hudson Bar and Books 636 Hudson St (212)229-2642
- Hudson Grill 350 Hudson St. (212) 691-9060
- Hudson's Sports Bar 811 7th Ave. NY (212) 581-1000
- Hungarian Pastry Shop1030 Amsterdam Ave, 866 4230
- Hunters 1387 Third Ave. (212) 734-6008
- Ideal
- Restaraunt & Bar
322 E. 86th St.,(212) 737- 0795
- Idlewild 145 E. Houston, NY (212) 477-5005
- Indigo Bar 487 Amsterdam Ave (212) 362 0373
- Iggy's Bar 14522nd Ave. (75th/76th), 582 2121
- Torch 137 Ludlow St (212) 228 5151
- Torre di Pisa19 W 44th St ( 5th/6th Ave)398-4400
- Tonic 107 Norfolk St (212) 358-7504
- Tortilla Flats 767 Washington St (12th St)2431053
- Townhouse 236 E. 58th Street, NY (212) 754-4649
- Tramps 51 W21st St btwn 5th & 6th Aves 727-7788.
- Trattoria di Tuff 229 E. 84th St., NY, NY (212) 327-4450
- Triad 158W 72nd St (Columbus/B'way) 3622590
- Trilogy Bar & Grill 14032nd Ave. (73rd), (212) 794-1870
- Trinity Pub 229 E. 84th Street, New York
- Tunnel 22012th Ave(27th St.), (212) 695-7292
- Turtle Bay 9872nd Ave (52nd/53rd)223 4224
- Twin Pub Inc. 421 9th Ave. (33-34th), NY,(212) 564-7288
- Twirl 208 West23rd Street, New York (212) 691-7685
- Two Potato 145 Christopher St, NY (212)255-0286
- Ty's Bar 114 Christopher Street, NY (212) 741-9641
- Typhoon Brewery 22 E. 54th St. , (212) 754-9006
- Union Bar 204 Park Ave South, NY (212) 674-2105
- United Nations Delegates Lounge The UN,1st Ave. & 46th St., NY, (212) 963-1234
- Universal Grill 44 Bedford St. (212) 989-5621
- Iridium: 44 W 63rd St. at
- Clmbs Ave. - (212) 582-2121
- Indochine 430 Lafayette St (212) 505-5111
- Internet Cafe 82 E. 3rd St. , NY, NY (212) 614-0747
- International Bar1201st Ave. (212) 777-9244
- Irish Rover 37-1828th Avenue, Astoria (718)278-9372
- Irish Eyes 5008 B'way Washington Heights 567-9072
- Izzy Bar 1661st Ave. ,(212)228-0444
- J.L. Sullivans 17151st Ave. (88th/89th),(212)289-9754
- J.G. Melon 1291 Third Ave. Upper East Side 650-1310
- Jack's 489 Amsterdam Ave. , NY, NY
- Jack Dempsey's Public House 612nd Ave 4752729
- Jake's Dilemma 430 Amsterdam Ave. (212) 580-0556
- Jamersons 9752nd Ave 51st/52nd) 980 4465
- Jazz
- Standard
116 E27th St (212)576-2232
- Georges Cafe & Lounge
1 CPW. (212)299-3900
- Joe Babbington Joint 70 W. 95th St. (212) 678-2335
- Joe Mayo's Pub 41 Madison Ave. Flatiron/Union Sq.
- Joe's Place20 E. Sixth St. E. Village (212) 473-9093
- Joe's Pub 425 Lafayette St. E.Village (212) 539-8777
- Jet 1919 Cleveland Place, NY (212) 675-2277
- Jet Lounge286 Spring St., NY, NY (212) 675-2277
- Jekyll and Hyde 91 7th Ave. South ,212)255-5388
- Vanity28E.23rd St (Mad./Park Ave) 254 6117
- The Vault 2810th Ave (10th Ave/W13th St)255-6758
- Vazac's Horseshoe Bar 108 Ave. B(7th), 473-8840
- Velvet Lounge 223 Mulberry St (212)965 0439
- Velvet Room 209 E. 76th St. (2/3rd Ave) No Phone
- Vera Cruz 195 Bedford Ave, Bklyn (718) 599-7914
- Veruka 525 Broome Street, New York (212) 625-1717
- Vermouth 355 Amsterdam Ave. (212) 724-3600
- Viceroy 1604 8th Ave (18th St)
- Victory Cafe 1604 3rd Ave. (90th St.),(212) 348-3650
- The Vig Bar 12 Spring St (At Elizabeth St) 625-0011
- Village Idiot 355 W.14th St, New York (212) 989-7334
- Village Lantern 167 Bleeker St. (212)260 7993
- Village Bistro & Brewing 92 7th Ave. Sth,255-1711
- Vintage 753 Ninth Ave. (212) 581-465511:30am-4am
- Vinyl 157 Hudson(Laight/Hubert), (212) 343-1379
- V.I.P Club 20 W.20th St. (5th &6th Ave)
- Virgil's Barbeque 152 W. 44th St. (212) 921-9494
- Void 16 Mercer St.(Canal), NY, NY (212) 941-6492
- Von 3 Bleecker St., NY, NY (212) 473-3039
- Voulez Vous Bar & Rest14621st Ave. (76th), NY, NY
- VuDu Lounge 508 Broome St, NY, NY (212) 334-6660
- Jekyll and Hyde1409 6th Ave (212) 541-9505
- Jeremy's Ale House254 Front St. (212) 964-3537
- J.E.T.19 19 Cleveland Pl., NY (212)675-4816
- Jet Lounge 286 Spring St (212) 625 9121
- Jimmy's Corner 140 W 44th St .(212)221-9510
- Jimmy Armstrong's 57th St. &10th Ave. , NY,
- Jimmy Walker's 245 E. 55th St. (212) 319-6650
- Joe Allen 326 W. 46th St.(8th/9th) (212) 581-6464
- Joe's Bar 520 E. 6th St (Ave A/B) 473 9093
- Jolly Roger 1552nd Ave. (9th/10th St) 777 6514
- John St. Bar and Grill17 John St. (212) 349-3278
- John Barleycorn 209 E. 45th St., NY, (212) 968-1088
- Johnny's S&P 90 Greenwich Ave. W Village 741-5279
- Jones St. 9 Jones St., NY,
- Joe's Bar 520 E. 6th St (Ave A/B) 473 9093
- Judson Grill 152 W. 52nd (6th/7th Ave.) 582 5252
- Julie's 204 E. 58th Street, New York (212) 688-1294
- Julius 159 W.10th Street, New York (212) 929-9672
- Justin's 31 W.21st St (5th/6th Ave) 352 0599
- K Dee's 551 Second Ave. Murray Hill (212) 684-6919
- Karavas Tavern 162 W. 4th St (212)243 8007
- Kasbar 11171st Ave. , NY, NY (212) 371-0555
- Kastro Lounge 237 E. 5th St (2nd/3rd Ave.) 475 4949
- WCOU Bar1151st Ave. NY, NY (212)254-4317
- Wakamba Lounge 543 Eigth Ave. (212) 840-9273
- Wall St. Kitchen & Bar 70 Broad St. (212) 797-7070
- Walkers 16 N. Moore St, NY (212) 941-0142
- Waterfront Ale House 5402nd Ave. ,(212) 696-4104
- Waterloo 145 Charles St., NY10014; (212) 352-1119
- Wax 113 Mercer St.(212)226-6082 5pm-4am daily
- The Web 40 E 58th St., NY, NY (212) 308-1546
- Webster Hall125 E.11th St.(3rd & 4th), (212) 353-1600
- The West End2911 B'way at113th St. (212) 662-8830
- West 210 Pub Inc.210 W. 35th St,(212) 564-5237
- W. Side Brewery 76th St. & Amsterdam Ave. 721-2161
- Wetlands161 Hudson St. ( Laight St.), (212) 966-4225
- The Whiskey 235 W. 46th St., NY, NY (212) 819-0404
- The Whiskey W Hotel, 541 Lexington Ave
- Whiskey Park Trump Parc,100 Ctrl Prk Sth 307-9222
- White Horse 567 Hudson St.(11th), (212)243-9260
- Whitehorse Tavern25 Bridge St. (212) 668-9046
- The White Rose 332 9th Ave.(212) 947-1118
- Winnie's104 Bayard St., NY, (212) 732-2384
- Who's On First 16831st Ave(87th/88th), NY, NY
- The Wicked Wolf14421st Ave. (75th), NY, NY
- Willy's Bar & Grill15382nd Ave. (80th), NY, NY
- Kate Kearney's251 E. 50th St. (212) 935-2045
- Kate's Joint 58 Ave B E. Village (212) 777-7059
- Katy Gallagher's1267 First Ave.(212) 734-2362
- Kava Lounge 605 Hudson St (W.12th St) 989 7504
- Kavehaz123 Mercer St (212) 343 0612
- Keller's 384 West St (212)243-1907
- Kelly's Corner1725 Second Ave. (212) 987-3759
- Kenny's Castaways157 Bleecker St, (212) 979-9762
- Kennedy's 327 W. 57th St. (212) 489-8335
- Kettle of Fish130 West 3rd Street,(212) 533 4790.
- KGB 85E. 4th St (bowery/2nd Ave.) 505 3360
- Killarney Rose 80 Beaver St.(212) 422-1486
- King Cole Bar2 E 55th St (at 5th) (212) 339-6721
- Kinsale Tavern1672 Third Ave.(212) 348-4370
- Kit Kat Club124 W. 43rd St., (212) 819-0377
- Knickerbocker Bar and Grill 33 Univ. Pl., NY228-8490
- Knitting Factory 74 Leonard St , NY, NY (212)219-3055
- Korova Milk Bar200 Ave. A (12th/13th)254 8838
- Koala Room 538 Ninth Ave., NY, (212) 695-5507
- Winnie's Bar & Rest.104 Bayard St (212) 732-2384
- Wilson's Grill201 W. 79th St. (212) 769-0100
- Wonder Bar 505 E. 6th Street, NY (212) 777-9105
- Woody's Rest. & Bar140 7th Ave. (212)242-1200
- Works 428 Columbus Avenue, NY (212) 799-7365
- The Wreck Rm116 MacDougal St., NY,(212)253-1843
- WXOU Radio 558 Hudson St (212)206 0381
- Wylie's 8911st Ave. , NY, NY (212) 751-0700
- Xth Ave Lounge 64210th Ave (45th/46th St)245-9088
- XR Bar128 W. Houston St. W. Village (212) 674-4080
- Xando Cafe & Bar (Uptwn)2160 Broadway 595 5616
- Xando Cafe & Bar (Dwntwn) 504^th Ave 462 4188
- XVI161st Ave. NY,(212)260-1549
- Xunta174 First Avenue, New York (212) 614-0620
- Yorkville Inn1 7012nd Ave. (88th), NY, NY
- Ye Olde Tripple Inn263 W. 54th St. (212)245-9849
- Z bar 206 Ave. A, (212) 982-9173
- Zinc Bar 90 Houston St 477-8337.
- Zoo Bar 2268 B'Way, NY, NY