Resume Tips - It's All About The RESULTS You Can Deliver!
Resume tips to help your New York Job Search
These resume tips were contributed by Jimmy Sweeney! Thanks Jimmy!!
Written By © Jimmy Sweeney Author of the brand new, Amazing Resume Creator
Are you problem solver? Someone who can save the company money? Someone who can make the company money? A person who can organize and categorize without effort? If so, step up and sell those skills. What do you do well that will bring the company bottom line RESULTS?
For example, resolving conflict among subordinates is a good thing - but it doesn't show how that ability affects the company's bottom line. So what do you do? Leave that skill off your resume? Absolutely not! Instead reword it so it highlights the benefit.
Sales Manager
Resolves conflicts among subordinates.
Result: Less staff turnover.
Company benefit: Money and time saved on training new personnel.
Administrative Assistant
Hired one fast word processor.
Result: Eliminated two part-time word processing jobs.
Company benefit: Saved department $10,000 in unnecessary wages.
Marketing Director
Split-tested two sales letters against each other for 30 days and found one to improve sales by 25%.
Result: Added $20,000 per month in additional profit by switching to the new sales letter.
Give some serious thought as to how you can save money and/or make money for a particular company. At the end of the business day it's all about bottom line results and what YOU can bring to the table.
There is a time to toot your horn and there is a time to blow it softly. A resume is the time to toot! Speak up for yourself when what you have to offer will be a benefit to the company you hope to work for. Follow the examples above and you'll see an increase in the requests you receive for quality job interviews.
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new, Amazing Resume Creator. Jimmy is also the author of several career related books and writes a monthly article titled, Job Search Secrets.
Visit our friends at Amazing Resume Creator for your "instant" resume today. In just 10 minutes flat you will have an amazing resume guaranteed to land you more hot job interviews next week.

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