Parelegal Part Time Jobs in New York City
Legal Assistant Part Time Jobs in New York City
Many part time jobs in New York City can be found in the legal profession. In NYC, part time work opportunities are available for people who find this kind of work interesting. In this article, you can explore the different part time legal jobs, the requirements for these jobs and the resources that you may want to use so that you can pursue a NYC part time job in legal work.
In these economic times, many people need to find ways to supplement their income. Part time jobs in New York City can allow you the flexibility you want with the extra income you need. There are many opportunities available in the legal sector. This is a growing area and one in which you can meet many people and definitely enhance your marketable skills for future possible employment.
If you have always been intrigued by the law, but you do not necessarily want to go through the rigors of law school, working as a part time paralegal can give you access to the legal profession in exciting and challenging ways.
What is a paralegal and what do they do?
Many large firms and corporations are hiring part time paralegals or legal assistants to do many of the tasks lawyers once did. While lawyers will take care of the actual legal work, paralegals spend time helping to prepare for hearings, closings, investigations, etc... Paralegals do most of the routine office work around the firm such as filing, writing annual financial reports, and helping keep track of various cases. Sometimes part time paralegals will have to travel in order to track down needed information. Due to the fact you are working with the law, you need a basic understanding of the system and the different terms used. Therefore, acquiring some training is important. Whatever small task can be delegated, it is usually delegated to a legal assistant.
While most paralegals gain full-time employment, many firms will hire part time paralegals help during busy seasons or to help with large cases. With the growth of the industry, finding part time work in the legal field is starting to get easier.
What kind of training do I need?
Most paralegals have an Associate's Degree in Paralegal Training which will allow most people access to many of the paralegal entry-level jobs available. Once employed, you can learn other necessary skills which can lead to more responsibility and a greater income. If you already have a bachelor's degree, you can earn a certificate in Paralegal Studies which will give you the same access. There are, however, some employers who offer on-the-job training to those who seem qualified.
You can acquire this education and training through traditional colleges and universities and/or you can acquire some needed education online through various online universities. The most crucial factor is going to be getting your foot in the door so that you can get some experience in the field itself.
Who can I work for?
Obviously the most widely available part time jobs in New York City for paralegals would be working for various law firms. The Federal Government also employs many paralegals in a variety of governmental agencies -- the Treasury Department, the Department of Justice and the Social Security Administration just to name a few. Some paralegals open their own firms and contract their services on a freelance basis. This last option allows you the greatest flexibility if you're looking to just work part time in New York City in the legal profession.
Why would I choose this field?
New York City is a great place to look for this type of employment. There are many law firms, state agencies, government agencies and international agencies all in need of people with these types of skills. As the workforce changes, being flexible in your employment situation is going to be extremely advantageous. Getting into the legal field can open many doors as it will increase your understanding of something we all have to deal with every single day - the law.
Now that you have explored some great, possible NYC part time jobs in the legal area, you can start your search to learn more about these part time jobs.
-Martin Craigs for

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