NYC Jobs
Ring in the New Year with a Great Job Interview
© Written By Jimmy Sweeney, President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new Job Interview "Secret".
While most people are sipping champagne and nibbling on caviar or dipping veggies on New Year's Eve you can be thinking about what 2010 will be about for you. Enjoy lifting your glass with friends, but remain focused on your goal—to land a terrific interview for a fabulous new job.
Start planning now by asking yourself the following questions—and then answering them as honestly as you can.
- What position do I want?
- What kind of company do I hope to work for?
- What am I qualified to do based on my training, education, and experience?
- What can I bring to the company that will make a difference?
- What are my expectations regarding the company I choose?
Remember: A Great Interview Starts With You
Today's hiring manager is as interested in who you are as in your professional accomplishments—maybe more so. Dependability, integrity, trustworthiness, and kindness toward fellow employees and management are all part of the 'package.' So don't be shy about showing your true self, the kind of person who will not only get the job done but also one who will come alongside co-workers to solve problems and cast a vision for the future.
No Room for Fear in the New Year
Become your own best advocate. Look in the mirror and remind yourself out loud how capable, caring, and committed you are. "You're great with people." "You can handle problems in a calm and cool manner." "People look to you for solutions."
Take time to write down a few personal anecdotes that illustrate these points. When did you handle a work-related problem without losing your cool? What prompted you to come up with a solution to a sticky situation? If you received a promotion or an award at a previous employment, what prompted such an event?
Then go over the description of the job you hope to land and visualize yourself performing the required tasks and succeeding at each one. This will give you the confidence you need to speak up during the interview on your own behalf. Be ready to mention specifics such as how you handled day-to-day operations, fielded customer service requests, or made important decisions. Weave your stories into the conversation and in response to questions asked.
And last, check your emotions. If you're feeling jazzed, then you're ready to step into an interview. If you're a bit wobbly, select a different position to respond to, one that matches your emotional level at this time.
And remember my "4 P's" to a successful job search: Be Patient, Pro-Active, Persistent and Positive. And always remember to follow up all leads, you automatically DOUBLE your chances for success!
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new "Secret Career Document" job landing system. Jimmy is also the author of several career related books and writes a monthly article titled, "Job Search Secrets."
Visit our friends at Job Interview "Secret" and discover Jimmy Sweeney's breakthrough strategy that will have you standing out from the competition like a Harvard graduate at a local job fair... DURING your next job interview.

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