NYC Jobs
Kick off the New Year with an Amazing Cover Letter
© Written By Jimmy Sweeney, President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new Amazing Cover Letter Creator.
It's that time again—time to usher in a brand new year. No matter what you did or didn't do in the past, you can turn the calendar page and begin again. Start your job search fresh with a cover letter that will result in an interview for the career you've dreamed about.
Even in a tight economy, people are being hired every day. You can be one of them. Businesses need qualified individuals who are professionally trained, experienced, and ready to step into a wide range of jobs—from A to Z.
Blow away the competition this year with a unique cover letter that commands attention.
Adopt a Winning Strategy
A well-crafted job search cover letter has three tried and true ingredients and you can include them in your letter as easily as anyone else. Here they are, yours for the taking.
Make it SHORT: Thank you for posting your need for a bookkeeper on With five years of experience in this field for my previous employer, I feel well qualified to fill this position and would welcome the opportunity to interview.
Keep it SIMPLE: I've received two company awards for my skills and performance. I understand the importance of taking responsibility for the job assigned, holding myself accountable to my superiors, and being a team player with my co-workers.
Be SINCERE: I would love the opportunity to interview for this position. I want to learn more about your excellent company and then show you how I can do my part to help achieve your goals.
Help employers do their work by putting your name and experience in front of them. Think of the hiring manager as a good friend, joining you for lunch after a round of golf or a workout at the gym. Keep your writing short, simple, and sincere and you will be noticed.
Avoid a Losing Strategy
Notice the difference between the previous examples and this one that is filled with clutter, confusion, and camouflage...
"Regarding your posted listing on I am taking time today to respond to that listing in hopes that you will take some time to consider me for the job of bookkeeper, given that I have five years of doing this type of work for the employer I used to work for before I saw your listing. I hope you will decide to interview me, although I realize there are other people hoping to win this job. If you want I can provide you with more information about my qualifications. Just ask. Please consider me for this job. I have been unemployed for the past six months and need to get to work soon."
Salute the New Year!
Read your cover letter aloud—preferably to someone you trust for honest feedback. Then kick the clutter, confusion, and camouflage off the page! And turn to short, simple, and sincere. Be yourself. That's the person a hiring manager is eager to meet. When you hear your unique voice on the page, you'll know you're there.
Then lift your glass and tip your hat to the New Year with expectation and excitement. It's going to be a great 2010 for you, perhaps one that will change your life and career in ways you've never imagined. And all because you took the time to write an amazing job search cover letter that will have a future employer raising his glass to yours (and inviting you in for a job interview).
Happy New Year and happy job hunting!
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new, Amazing Cover Letter Creator. Jimmy is also the author of several career-related books and writes a monthly article titled, "Job-Search Secrets."
Visit Jimmy on the web at Amazing Cover for your 'instant' cover letter today. In just three and a half minutes you will have an amazing cover letter guaranteed to cut through YOUR competition like a hot knife through butter!

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