Cover Letter Tips
Secrets to Writing a 'Must-Read' Cover Letter
Jimmy Sweeney contributed this article on cover letter tips. It includes a great example cover letter too.
After you review the article, consider taking a quick look at your own cover letter and see if you can make some improvements based on Jimmy's tips.
Written By © Jimmy Sweeney, Author of the brand new, Amazing Resume Creator
Want to draw attention to your cover letter? So much so that the hiring manager can't put it down?
Here's the secret. Meet the employer's needs. Show him or her how you, the job seeker, can benefit his or her company - if you're hired to fill the open position.
According to Kim Zoller from Image Dynamics (a job training agency with offices in Dallas, Houston, New York, and San Fransisco), about 55% of what a person thinks of you is how you look. Your job interview attire is clearly important.
Are you problem solver? Someone who can save the company money? Someone who can make the company money? A person who can organize and categorize without effort? If so, step up and sell those skills. What do you do well that will bring the company bottom line RESULTS?
For example, resolving conflict among subordinates is a good thing - but it doesn't show how that ability affects the company's bottom line. So what do you do? Leave that skill off your resume? Absolutely not! Instead reword it so it highlights the benefit.
For example:
I found out through my friend, Rob Johnson, your company CPA, that you are interested in hiring someone to expand your sales territory in the northwest by garnering new customers prior to the release of your new math textbook for junior high school students, Mathematics for the 21st Century. I'd love to take on this challenge, as I have a master's degree in Mathematics as well as experience in sales. I opened ten new accounts in less than six months while employed by Babcock and Taylor Text-book Company in Florida.
I'd welcome getting together with you in person to talk about how your priorities for this position and my expertise can come together to benefit your company.
Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm enthusiastic about meeting in person to see the possibilities of filling this particular opening at your company.
I will follow up with a phone call by the end of the week. You can contact me by phone or email as well. I am available for an interview most afternoons at your convenience. Thank you again for your time and consideration.
Sure-fire success
When it comes to cover letters, this example, which you can tailor to the specific organization you're writing to, cannot be ignored. Everyone wants to succeed. You want to receive an interview that leads to a job. And the hiring manager wants to interview a man or woman who fits the position now available. If you demonstrate how you can meet that need, you will be called for an interview.
REMEMBER: Hiring managers need you to do their job. They must hire people to fill the openings at their company. Make them look good by showing them the benefits you can bring in a friendly and professional manner.
Let your cover letter work for you, not against you. Don't be afraid to ASK for what you want and remember to focus on what the employer needs. In turn, he or she will give you what you want—an interview for a new job.
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new, Amazing Cover Letter Creator. Jimmy is also the author of several career related books and writes a monthly article titled, "Job Search Secrets."
Visit our friends at Amazing Cover Letters for your "instant" cover letter today. "In just 3 1/2 minutes you will have an amazing cover letter guaranteed to cut through YOUR competition like a hot knife through butter!"

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