NYC Jobs
Four Ways to Find Free Job Training
With the right training, you can find the job you need.
Free job training seems to be more important than ever before. Right now the economy is changing many lives. Just as the industrial age swept through the globe and completely transformed the way people lived, worked, traveled, etc... Our current economy is changing and we need to be able to change with it. Sometimes people may lack just a few skills in a certain area which, if they had them, would make all the difference in their prospective employment. Job training is a valuable way to learn new job skills or enhance skills you already possess. Job training doesn't have to be costly either. In fact, with a little effort, you can find places willing to train you for free. Below is a sampling of just a few of the places out there just waiting for you to find them.
Corporate Job Training
In February, 2009 Microsoft announced a program called "Elevate America" in which it hopes to train over 2 million people in the basic technological skills many people
are lacking, such as basic computer and internet skills. The program will also help those interested learn to better create a resume. The program is starting in
Washington State, but it will also be available online.
Lynn, an older worker has already taken advantage of a program similar to this one. She had been intimidated by the internet, but knew she had to adjust her outdated secretarial skills if she wanted to get the job she needed. She spent time improving her computer skills and was able to find gainful employment as a result.
Non-profit Job Training
The Goodwill organization near you is also a good resource if you've been out of work for awhile, you have a disability or a lack of education. Goodwill organizations
will train people for jobs in IT, health care, retail, banking and landscape. Currently on its' website, Goodwill says it places someone in a good job every 53 seconds.
It also has career services which Goodwill provides to help people conduct job searches, write resumes and gain some practice their interviewing skills.
During your job search, Goodwill can also place you in a temporary job - such as its retail stores. To find your local Goodwill, check out Goodwill.
Many other religious organizations and other non-profit organizations offer the same types of opportunities and are willing and wanting to help those who are trying to help themselves.
Government Job Training
Another good way to find free job training is to utilize the government. Uncle Sam is has many programs available through the various state Departments of Workforce
Services and other state-run programs. These services can include job placement upon completion of training, training those with disabilities, and training older
workers in new skills. Ty, a young landscaper, injured his back and has been unable to continue working as a landscaper. His local Department of Workforce Services
trained him to be a welder and placed him with a construction company looking for someone with these skills.
Use the Internet
A quick search on the internet produces a vast array of the available job training programs. You need only to decide the direction you would like to pursue and
contact the organization that best suits your needs.
Sometimes the thought of switching careers or updating old skills can seem daunting. However, there are many organizations designed to help you do just that. There are opportunities for minorities, women, older workers, displaced workers, those with disabilities, etc... Knowing the direction you want to pursue will help you decide the kind of training to seek.

- NYC Temp Jobs Mailing List -- Have you considered getting a temp job or part-time job while you go for training?