Ring in the New Year With a New Job!
Written by Jimmy Sweeney
President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new,
Job Interview "Secret"
The holidays can be a frantic time of year for most people. They shop till they drop. They overeat and under sleep! But you don't have to be one of them. The best way to cut stress is to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically, so you can enjoy the festivities and the people in your life in good humor. Pace yourself. No need to impress anyone. Do what you can with what you have. And be willing to say 'no' if you start to feel overwhelmed.
You can apply these same principles to an upcoming job interview. Get ready well in advance so that when you walk into the hiring manager's office after the holidays, you'll be calm, cool, collected-and confident that you stand a great chance of landing the job.
Following are some ways to prepare now.
- Research the company you want to work for, including details regarding location, policies, work hours, pay scale, job responsibilities, and management personnel.
- List your strengths and skills. Be specific. Example: I'm organized, able to take the lead in tough situations, sensitive to the needs of others, willing to follow orders, and produce the desired result. Have two copies available--one for you and one for the interviewer.
- Find out something special--if possible--about the hiring manager. Does he like to golf? Does she volunteer at a youth group? Such details will help you connect on a personal level. This will show the other person you are interested in him or her, not just the potential job.
- Take time to get a hair cut, if necessary, and a manicure a couple of days ahead of time. Remember you only get one chance to make a great first impression.
- Lay out your clothing and shoes before you go to bed the night before the interview. Get to sleep early so you'll be well rested and relaxed.
- Slip a bottle of water into your briefcase or purse to keep yourself hydrated. This will help you remain alert and focused.
Remember--people who care--prepare! Take time today to list your priorities for this New Year. Have fun, enjoy your family and friends, and plan for your future, by carving out a nice chunk of time to get ready for the interview that could very well lead you to a new job--and a new you.
Happy holidays and a prosperous New Year!
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new "Secret Career Document" job landing system. Jimmy is also the author of several career related books and writes a monthly article titled, "Job Search Secrets."
Visit our friends at Job Interview "Secret" and discover Jimmy Sweeney's breakthrough strategy that will have you standing out from the competition like a Harvard graduate at a local job fair� DURING your next job interview.

- New York Temp Job Alerts - Best temp jobs in your inbox.
- Craigslist - recommended resource for finding temp jobs.
- Monster - Less temp jobs than Craigslist, but often higher level.
- Voxeu.org - Research on temp jobs and long term employment.