Online Dating Mistakes - 6 Mistakes that Kill Your Chances
New York Online Dating Advice
Get more hits on your online dating profile with these tips:
Let's face it, the world of dating in New York City is treacherous. You have to navigate through the awkward initial conversations to the even more awkward relationship defining conversations and then, if things don't work out well, you have to do it all again.
The world of online dating is no different, but there are several online dating mistakes people make which, if avoided, would help them navigate the world of online dating with a little less stress.
1. You have to post a photo!
A photo is an absolute must on any profile. With thousands of people online, not having a picture is going to get you passed over pretty quickly. It's hard to get an idea of someone without seeing them therefore you must post a picture of yourself. It doesn't have to be a professional picture, but it does need to give the person some idea of what you look like. Even if you don't know what to write on your profile, posting a picture and some basic information is better than no picture at all. So be brave and get your picture up there!
2. Be truthful!
You are submitting your online dating profile to hopefully find someone compatible and someone who also wants to have a long-term relationship. Lying about your age, marital status, your job, etc... will not get you very far with the person when you begin to exchange emails. Being truthful allows the interested party to get to know the real you, which is what you're hoping for anyway. Isn't it? You want to find someone so that you can be yourself and who is attracted to you? Saying you're 5'10" when you're 5'3" is not the way to get a relationship off the ground.
3. Have something to say!
When you exchange emails with someone or, better yet, chatting, make sure your conversation doesn't veer into the mundane. This is your chance to ask questions about them and for you to tell them about yourself. Now is not the time to revert to Junior High School behavior by telling crass jokes or answering their questions with silly answers. If your adult self is ready to have an adult relationship then you need to have an adult conversation. Ask about the person’s interests, hobbies, job, family and other things which will allow you to get to know them and for them to get to know you.
4. Create a profile people want to read!
Your profile is a little like a resume that people are going to use to cast their first judgment. When you first create your profile, just getting something up there is important. However, an online dating mistake that many people make, is to leave it at that.
A few days after creating your initial profile, sit down with a friend and create something that has some wit and some charm. Also, include enough detail to allow you to stand out from others. Saying that you like to read is one thing, but actually listing a few books you like plus the reasons why makes you much more interesting. Your profile is the doorway to you. This is not a place where you can scrimp and still meet a special someone.
5. Slow down partner!
A common online dating mistake is to rush into a relationship or come on too strong. Remember, people like to be chased, but they do not like to be caught and smothered. If you pursue someone too swiftly, they will run away fast. Don't go into the gory details of your past break-ups in the first conversation. Keep things light, but interesting and allow time to pass in order for true feelings of interest to develop. People can mistake the sharing of details for "intimacy" and "love." Don't make that mistake. Keep yourself a little guarded and your patience will be rewarded with a longer-lasting relationship instead of a quick burst of flame.
By avoiding these simple mistakes, you can have a positive and rewarding experience online and can hopefully meet that special someone.
-Ella Riez for