Why isn’t most NYC parking free? The street is public property, right?
If all street parking were free, then many people wouldn’t move their cars and people wouldn’t be able to find an empty spot. So charging for on-street parking is a way to manage the supply and demand, plus generate revenue for NYC to maintain the city. And since street parking is highly sought after, NYC can charge for it based on its value to drivers.
When it comes to NYC parking, you have three choices: the first two are a non-metered, free parking space on the street, or try to find a vacant metered space. If that fails, there are 1,100 NYC parking garages in Manhattan alone that will take your car, make sure it isn’t stolen or damaged, and charge you appropriately for it.
But we found at least 20 ways to save on both NYC street and NYC garage parking. If you think of any more ways, let us know!
NYC Street Parking
1.) Non-Metered Streets: there are many streets in residential areas where there is free parking on the street. Usually in the E 60s and above, or the W 70s and above.
2.) Park on Sundays: On Sundays, NYC parking meter rules are suspended so you don’t have to feed the meter.
3.) Don’t Park near a Fire Hydrant: This will save you $115 on a NYC fire hydrant ticket.
4.) Park after 7pm: Most meters do not require payment after 7pm.
5.) Watch the No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking Signs: A NYC parking ticket can cost you anywhere from $90 – $150. Check the rules in the chart to the right.
6.) Pay the Meter: If you don’t pay the meter, a NYC parking ticket will cost you $35 – $65.
NYC Garage Parking
1.) Early Bird Special: Most off-street NYC garages will offer a lower rate if you enter before 10am and exit by 6 or 7pm.
2.) Evening Special: Enter after 4 or 5pm, exit by midnight.
3.) Park Farther From the Center: NYC Garages are more expensive closer to the middle of Manhattan from Lexington – 7th Ave. Lower rates will be from 1st – 3rd Aves and 8th – 12th Aves (theater district may not follow this norm).
4.) Use an Outdoor Lot: Many outdoor lots are a little less expensive than indoor garages, particularly for monthly customers.
5.) Use Flat Rate Coupons: A number of NYC garages now offer flat rates for 6, 12, and 24 hours. These rates are less expensive than the hourly rates. Central Parking, QuikPark, and Icon Parking offer these coupons.6.) Be a Monthly Customer: More garages are offering Customer Loyalty Programs with discounts on daily parking if you are a Monthly Parking Customer. Central Parking, GGMC, QuikPark, Edison Parking, and Icon Parking all offer their monthly parking customers this benefit.
7.) Leave Your Key: If you forget to leave your key in the car, the garage may charge up from $25 to the full towing fee.
8.) Daily Coupons: Some garages have even better NYC parking rates for daily parking on their websites.
Weekend Special: Many garages will offer a lower rate for daytime parking on Saturday and Sunday.
9.) Drive a Smaller Vehicle: 92% of NYC garages will charge $10 – $15 extra if you drive an SUV or an oversized vehicle.
10.) Mobile Coupons: Central Parking gives up to 50% discount on daily parking through its mobile app.
11.) Event Rate: Park farther away from a stadium or theater when there is a major event so you don’t have to pay the special event rate.
12.) Don’t Stay Overnight: Some garages will charge the more expensive overnight rate if you stay after 5 – 6am and don’t use a flat rate coupon.
13.) Read Your Claim Check: Confirm that the time stamped on your claim check is the actual time you started parking.